Subject: CU_HTML: V1.5.3 Winword HTML ... Author: Kenneth Wong and Anton Lam Uploaded By: PKAeronaut Date: 6/11/1995 File: CU_HTML.ZIP (78498 bytes) Estimated Download Time (35079 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 5205 Needs: An UnZIPing Program, Windows 3.1 or Later, Web brows Keywords: HTML, WWW, FTP, Internet, Winsock, Win 3.1, FD, Cello, Browser Keywords: HTML, WWW, FTP, Internet, Winsock, Win 3.1, FD, Cello, Browser Type: Freely Distributed CU_HTML.DOT is a document template for Word for Windows 2.0 and 6.0 allowing users to create HTML files in a WYSIWYG environment. The file CU_HTML.HTM is generated (compiled) from the corresponding CU_HTML.DOC file. The sample CU_HTML.DOC/HTML file provided is also the help file for use of of this Word For Windows template. Direct support for embedding and displaying GIF files within the DOC source file is provided. By using the template, you can create HTML documents with little knowledge of the HTML syntax. You assign different formatting tags to paragraphs by simply pointing and clicking with the mouse. You can also insert inline GIF images and specify hyperlinks by choosing the target file from a dialog box. The inline GIF images also appear in the Word document. You do not need to manually enter the HTML codes. Existing word processor features such as spell checking, printing, cut & paste, and macro automation can be used. For debugging and display of the final HTML file, the authors recommend: "Please use Mosaic, Netscape or other WWW browser to view CU_HTML.HTM for information on installation and usage". Netscape can be found at keyword ftp, then logon to Cello can be found via keyword QUICKFIND then type CELLO. If you use Cello, you'll also need to download Trumpet Winsock 2.0b and copy to your \Windows directory). Winword 2.0 users rename CU_HTML2.DOT to CU_HTML.DOT and open in Winword 2.0. Winword 6.0 users rename CU_HTML6.DOT to CU_HTML.DOT and open in Winword 6.0. To use, open CU_HTML.DOT Documentation: README.TXT (ascii), CU_HTML.DOC (Winword), CU_HTML.HTM (HTML file to be opened in a web browser or using AOL 2.5 or later's FILE > OPEN).